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liječenje pranom

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:07 am
by hefest
Pranic healing is done by sending Prana (the "vital
force") from your body to the diseased or affected
parts, stimulating the cells and tissues to normal activity
and allowing the waste material to leave the system. It
involves the use of passes and the laying-on of hands.
What is Prana? It is the vital force which underlies all
physical action of the body. It causes circulation of the
blood, movement of the cells and all motions upon
which the life of the physical body depends. It is a
force that is sent forth from the nervous system, by an
effort of the will, when you direct healing (review
Lesson One, regarding Prof. Otto Rahn and Dr. Harold
You receive Prana from the food you eat, the
water you drink and from the air you breathe. All
forms of force and energy rise from the same primal
cause, and it is your willingness to increase your own
supply, AND SHARE IT, that makes you "gifted" in
healing. Everyone, then, actually possesses the "gift" of
How can you increase your Prana? By deep breathing.
VISUALIZE energy and strength flowing into your
body as you breathe in. FEEL it. Feel it going into all
parts of your body. Feel it travel along your arms and
down your legs. VISUALIZE the love of the Lady and
the Lord entering you.
Correct breathing sets up an equilibrium between
positive and negative currents. It calms your nervous
system and regulates and slows your heart activity,
reducing your blood pressure and stimulating your
digestion. Before doing any Pranic healing, do the
following deep breathing exercises:
1. (a) Slowly breathe in, through the nose, to a mental
count of eight.
(b) Slowly exhale, through the nose, to a count of
2. (c) Slowly breathe in, through the nose, to a count of
(d) Hold your breath for a count of four.
(e) Slowly exhale, through the mouth, for a count of
In (d), as you hold your breath, feel the love,
energy, strength and power you have inhaled circulate
throughout your body.
In (e), breathe out all the negativity within you.
Do "1" once, then do "2" three times.
Now you are ready to start your healing. This is
best done in the Circle. However, if that cannot be—if
the patient is unable to come to you, perhaps through
being in a hospital or being bedridden at home—then at
least draw a circle about him (and the bed, if necessary),
with your athame, and fill that circle with white light
before starting.
Have the patient lie on his back with his head
towards the east, if possible. His feet should be together
and his arms at his sides. He does not have to be naked,
but it is certainly better if he can be (better, in fact, if
you both are). He should close his eyes and concentrate
on seeing himself encompassed in a ball of white light.
You kneel to the left of his legs, if you are right-handed;
to his right if left-handed (see Figure 13.1). Reaching
forwards, extend your arms and hold your hands with
the palms inwards, at the top of his head, about an inch
away from actual contact (Figure 13.2). Take a deep breath
then, holding that breath, bring the hands smoothly
down the length of the body, one hand on either side,
not quite touching the skin the whole way. As you
come away from his feet, breathe out and shake your
hands vigorously as though you were shaking water off
them. You are, in actuality, shaking
off the negativity that you have drawn from him. Repeat this process AT
LEAST SEVEN TIMES, preferably more.
Now sit quietly for a moment, seeing the patient surrounded in
white light. When you have got your breath (you will find this can be
quite exhausting), then repeat the breathing exercises given above—"! "
once and "2" three times. Now for actual contact.
Now lay your hands, gently, one on each side of his head, thumbs
resting on his temples. Concentrate (eyes closed if you wish), sending all
your energies into him; all the goodness and love of the Lady and the
Lord channeled through you into him, to make him well. When you have
done this for a while, again sit back and relax, picturing him in the
white light.
Then once again do your deep breathing followed by placing your
hands over/on his heart and, again, directing the Pranic force into him.
After again resting and doing the breathing, lay your hands on the
specific area of problem (e.g. stomach; leg; shoulder) and direct your
energies. A final period of rest for you, and picturing him within the
white ball of light, completes the process.
Do not be surprised if you feel physically drained after such a healing.
This will generally be the case. Ignore those who say that if you feel
drained you are doing it wrong. On the contrary, feeling exhausted is a
good sign that you have done well." iz knjige Raymond Buckland: Complete Book of Witchcraft

izveo sam to nad jednim svojim frendom koji je bolovao od raka... uglavnom bolest je bila u zadnjem stadiju i kolko sam pročitao niko se nije izvukao sa samo 16 kemoterapija... zato smatram to malim čudom što je on ozdravio ili sam mu ja s tim pomogao... pozz

Re: liječenje pranom

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:18 pm
by x.angelus
omg nije li to malo previse teksta

Re: liječenje pranom

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:46 am
by None
x.angelus wrote:omg nije li to malo previse teksta
Ako nekog zanima, vjerovatno nije. Mene bas i ne, tako da meni jeste lol. :mrgreen: