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Bog i Božica_wicca

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:58 am
by emina
Bog i Božica imaju trostruki aspekt, pa će tako Bog biti podjeljen na Ratnika, Oca i Mudraca, a Božica na Djevu, Majku i Staricu.

Božica Djevica (Maiden)

Ona je lovac, dah proljeća, radost novog kruga u kolu godine, preporod. Njeno vrijeme je zora. Boja koja je simbolizira je bijela - boja nevinosti i nedužnosti.
Simbolizira dio života u kojem učimo, uživanje u novim spoznajama i iskustvima i vrijeme postavljanja novih ciljeva u budućnosti. Ponosna je na na ono što jeste, uživa u emocijama i spoznajama koje dolaze. Simbolizira neovisnost, odgovornost za svoja djela i izbor.

Njezin simbol je rastući mjesec, koji simbolizira proces rasta prema majčinstvu.
Vrijeme u kojem se zaziva: Traženje novih početaka kako u vezama, prijateljstvima tako i u drugim sferama života - novog posla, prelaska u novu fazu u životu, povratku školovanju, planiranja trudnoće, rođenja djece,

Božica Majka

Simbol je žaštite, ljeta. Rađa Rogatog Boga. Izvor je sveg života. Asocira se sa srednjom dobi i odgovornostima koje dolaze, ciljevima i akcijama/postupcima. Ne voli vidjeti da patimo, ali dopušta pouke koje su postavljene pred nas da bismo rasli i naučili. Zna da moramo iskusiti razne stvari da bismo učili i uhvatili ravnotežu. Pokazuje kako voljeti i graditi.

Njezin simbol je pun mjesec, vrijeme ispunjenja.
Vrijeme u kojem se zaziva: Kada su planovi i projekti daleko izvan puta, kada se bliži vrijeme poroda, kada je potrena snaga na osobnom planu, kada se traži zaštita, priprema za brak.

Božica Starica

Ona je mračna majka, mudra, koja je stekla puno iskustva u proteklim godinama. Ona je žena kojoj se obračamo kad tražimo mudrost i savjet. Njezina boja je crna, a vrijeme padajući mjesec kada se približava točki mraka. Ona predstavlja kraj starih krugova i ujedno pripremu na novi početak. Ona je zima, vrijeme spokoja u prirodi i nade u novo. Ona je čuvarica tajni, proricanja i psihičke mudrosti. Nju prizivamo za vrijeme divinacije, tražeći skriveno znanje. Ona nas vodi u podzemlje na susret s Bogom, i zajedničkim snagama ulijeva mir i spokoj. Ona vidi prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost i daje pravdu. Ona otvara vrata i pokazuje nam skrivene tajne životnih lekcija.

Vrijeme kada se zaziva: ulazak u menopauzu, rastava, kada je potrebna snažna zaštita, razumjevanje misterija, traženje mira,

Re: Bog i Božica_wicca

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:02 am
by emina
The Sacredness of Horns and the Horned God

Horns are an old symbol of power. They are considered a lunar symbol (This shows balance in the Horned God). The Horned Gods of Witches are often shown as goats (Pan), Stags (Herne) or Bulls (Faunus) this was because these animals were found in herds and they were symbols of prosperity. It is also very interesting to note a male phallus was consider a horn, or when erect as being horny.
The Horned God himself was a covenant between the humans and Spirit. The Horned One provided food, and shelter, clothes and tools for the humans, and new life for the animals when their time had come.
He also provides knowledge and rest for humans when their time comes. We as humans are responsible for returning life
energy to the forest by our rites.
If an animal was slain we are to use the entire animal. And it is believed that the animals spirit resided in a part of the animal that would not perish, so this was the antler (Bone) This is part of why The God is seen wearing antlers, the life spirit of the wild animals of all of Nature.
Wiccans will normally wear a horned crown on their head or a necklace of bone during rites to show their connection to the Horned God

The Slain God

The slain God is at times known as the Divine King. During the times when tribes had to go out and hunt for their food, many people were hurt as they had very few tools to use for the hunt, sticks and rocks were the main weapons till we learned to use bone to make arrows or knifes. So you can see how hunters would either be killed or seriously hurt. So the tribe would send the best huntsmen to the temple. It was thought that those who went willingly to the hunt and were killed or who sacrificed themselves for the good of the tribe, became Gods themselves. We see this in the mythos of Jesus, who according to Christian Mythos laid his life down, as a willing sacrifice for his people.

The slain God is seen as the Spirit of the Land, and of the Plant life. He is the fruit of the fields that gives himself to the people during the Harvest of the year (Lughnasadh (Fruits and Vegetables), Mabon (Grains), and Samhain (Meat))

As a quick note the Harvest Lord has very close ties to the Slain God, as the Harvest Lord is the seed of the God. The Harvest Lord is the Green man of vegetation. In some Scotland he is also John Barleycorn.

The Harvest Lord is the physical sacrifice of the Slain God. In myth the Harvest Lord is he who we run through the ringer, and that which is destroyed to be rebuilt in to something useful. He is the corn removed from the ground and removed from the cob, crushed and finally eaten. He is also the cotton removed from the plant and cleaned and pulled and twisted and made to linen, which is then poked with needles and made to clothes or sheets. All for the good of his people.

The Slain God is the bridge between the world of the Living and the Dead. He is often hung from a tree to show this, the roots being deep in the underworld and the branches high in the sky touching the throne of both the Lord of Light and the Lord of Dark bringing balance between the two.

The Dagda

The Dadga ( dagh meaning Good and dia meaning God) is a Irish Galic underworld God. He was the Father figure of the Tuatha D'e Danann, as he was a God of strength, fertility, abundance, wisdom, music, and a warrior as well.
A brief note on the Tuatha D'e Danann, they were one of the invaders of Ireland. They had defeated the Fomors but were also defeated by the Sons of Mil. Once they were defeated they retreated to the Sidh-mounds. To this day the Sidhe or Fairy-folks reside in the sacred Mounds protected by the Dagda.
As a warrior The Dagda was a leading part in defeating the Fomors at the second battle of Magh Tuiredh and he decided the who got the sacred mounds among the Clan leaders of the Tuatha.
He carried a club that was huge, so huge it took 9 stout men to lift it. The club had special powers as it could take the life of men with one end and give it back with the other. Because of this Dagda was known as a God of Death and Rebirth.
His possessions were the 4 sacred treasures of the Tuatha D'e Dannon they were:

1. The Liá Fail or Stone of Destiny, from the city of Failias, which was kept at Tara and cried out when the true king stood on it. Also called the Stone of Knowledge. (Earth)
2. Lugh's spear, from the city of Gorias, which gave victory in battle to whoever held it. (Air)
3. Nuada's sword, from the city of Findias, which always struck when drawn and killed due to its' 'venom'.(Fire)
4. The Dagda's cauldron from the city of Muirias from which no-one went unsatisfied. (Water)


Pan is the most noted figure of the Horned God. He is Greek in nature and come from Mount Maenalus in Arcadia. But in time Pan moved from Arcadia and spread all over Greece. Pan was so widely worshipped they built a temple for him in the Acropolis.
The word Panic comes from Pans name as he was known to cause Panic in those who came against him, or to protect people from going places they are not yet ready to venture.
Pan had a very fine love for the female species to put it mildly. Pan liked to run with the wood spirits or nymphs, and even seduced the Moon Goddess Selene.
It was by his lust and love of Syrinx that brought us the "Pan Pipes" or Syrinx named after her. This was done while chasing the Nymph and she was saved by her father Ladon a river God who turned her in to some reeds. So Pan plucked the reeds and use them as a flute.
Pan was a God (Like his Father Hermes) of Wisdom and prophecy.


Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft